Similarities of Male Clonal Trees & COVID-19

What do male clonal tree species and COVID-19 have in common? Well, both cause respiratory difficulties, especially for those with chronic medical conditions. It’s the male plant species that produce large amounts of pollen which is detrimental to the millions of asthma, allergy and COPD sufferers worldwide. Depending on the time of year, pollen levels … Read more

Nature’s Christmas Gifts

For those of you pondering what to give a ‘hard to shop for’ person – think nature, or more specifically a gift from your local nursery or garden centre. Most outlets have holiday hours, although if closed for the off-season you can get creative making your own gift certificate. It might not be practical to … Read more

Allergy-Friendly Container Gardening Suggestions

Allergy-friendly container gardening is not promoted as much as it should be. Being outside, surrounded by allergy-causing plants, can be very uncomfortable for allergy sufferers. To accommodate those with asthma and allergies, I have prepared a list of suggested allergy-friendly plants for your container garden. Spring Container: Centre of container: Iceland poppy (Papaver croceum) Surround … Read more

Gardening Shouldn’t be Intimidating

First, you have an idea that you want to add some colour to your indoor or outdoor space. But wait, you’ve never gardened before. You’re not even sure you have what they call a “green thumb.” What is a green thumb anyways? Just as a note, it means a person has a nurturing gift for … Read more

Creating an Enchanting Chocolate Garden

I just finished the novel, The Chocolate Garden by Ava Miles. For those of you that enjoy a well-rounded storyline filled with family conflict, wholesome romance, and Southern charm, then the Dare River series is perfect. It got me thinking as I’ve never heard of a chocolate garden before: Rose garden, herb garden, even an … Read more

The Summer of the Hydrangea

Growing up my favourite thing to do was visit my grandma’s house. Her house was your standard red brick but with a huge porch that beckoned you to sit awhile. In front was a garden bed of hydrangea bushes. I have an old photograph of my brother and me with grandma’s collie, Shawn, in front … Read more

Liberation Memorial Eibergen

In the Veterans Gardening Guide, I briefly mention my place of birth and where I spent my formative years. Yes, I normally just write about gardening but I wanted to share with you, my readers, what motivated me to dedicate this book to veterans. I trace my roots back to the quaint village of Eibergen, … Read more

Household and Cooking Tips from Our Ancestors

We can never read enough about the “olden days” when it comes to finding help in the kitchen and around the house. There’s also an appeal to achieve a simpler way of doing things and one that is organic and free from harmful chemicals. You can apply some of our ancestors’ suggestions within your own … Read more

Celebrating Canada’s 150th in the Garden

Who doesn’t like a birthday celebration? Well, there were a few milestone birthdays that did give me pause. I think I’ve stayed around this long for the birthday cake and presents. One birthday that fills the nation with great excitement and pride is Canada’s 150th. This year, Canada recognizes one of her grand milestones when … Read more